NEWFC Forest Field Day
Join our annual Forest Field Day and learn about the Chewelah A to Z Project, followed by refreshments and presentations at 49 Degrees North.
For more information, or to RSVP, please contact: newfcinfo (at) gmail.com
Upcoming Events:
Past events:
10/24/24 Browns Lake Campground Planting - Sxwuytn Project
7/24/24 NEWFC Forest Field Day - Chewelah A-Z Project
5/17/24 Storytelling @ Woodland Theatre Kettle Falls
9/28/23 Film Screening: The West is Burning
6/30/23 20-Year Anniversary Celebration
6/16/22 Pub Talk on Lynx Reintroduction
2/2/22 Pub Talk on NEW Heritage
11/3/21 Pub Talk on the Strategic Vision
6/30/21 Pub Talk on Wildlands + Recreation
Join our annual Forest Field Day and learn about the Chewelah A to Z Project, followed by refreshments and presentations at 49 Degrees North.
For more information, or to RSVP, please contact: newfcinfo (at) gmail.com
The Woodland Theatre and the Northeast Washington Forest Coalition are excited to announce a storytelling event at the Woodland Theatre on Friday, May 17th, 2024, at 7 pm.
The theme is “Tall Tales and Understories: Adventures in the Colville National Forest,” in recognition of NEWFC’s commitment to promoting healthy forests for all of us to enjoy.
This event will also be a fundraiser for Firewise (a program that provides simple, effective steps to help communities reduce the risk of destruction from wildfire).
Raffle tickets will be available, with prizes generously donated by Backcountry Hunters and Anglers as well as Vaagen Brothers Lumber.
Senior Wildlife Biologist Rose Piccinini will be speaking about Lynx Reintroduction in Northeast Washington at Fired Up Brewing in Colville on June 16th.
Hear from Gloria Flora, Owner of Sustainable Obtainable Solutions and NEWFC member, speak about Biochar: Capturing Value from Waste Biomass. Register here and you will be emailed a Zoom link. Hope to see you there!
Join NEWFC board members Kurtis Vaagen of Vaagen Bros Lumber and Bobby Whittaker of Ferry County Rail Trail on Wednesday, February 2nd from 12-1pm for a discussion about the NEW Heritage legislative initiative. The initiative seeks input from Tribes, industry, local businesses, recreation, conservation, and other interests to make a comprehensive legislative package that represents all voices in the Colville National Forest. Please register below and you will be emailed a Zoom link. Thank you for your interest and look forward to seeing you there (virtually)!
Interested in learning about the Northeast Washington Forest Coalition’s updated Strategic Vision? Register for this virtual pub talk on Wednesday, November 3rd from 12-1pm here! Featured speakers are board members Kurtis Vaagen of Vaagen Brothers Lumber, and Tiana Luke of Conservation Northwest. You will receive an email with the Zoom link prior to the event.
This event is supported, in part, with a grant from the Washington Department of Natural Resources.
Come join Northeast Washington Forest Coalition (NEWFC) for an informative lunch hour discussing recreation and wildland protection on our public lands. NEWFC board members Bobby Whittaker, Tiana Luke, and Tim Coleman will be presenting. Register now by filling out the form below. You will receive an email prior to the event with the Zoom link. Attendees will receive complimentary swag including stickers, coasters, and a stainless mug. Please include your address to receive swag in the mail.
Come join Northeast Washington Forest Coalition (NEWFC) for an informative happy hour discussing principles of wildland fire management. NEWFC board members Dick Dunton and Gloria Flora will be presenting. Register now by filling out the form below. You will receive an email prior to the event with the Zoom link. Attendees will receive complimentary swag including stickers, coasters, and a stainless mug. Please include your address to receive swag in the mail.
Come join Northeast Washington Forest Coalition (NEWFC) for an informative lunch hour discussing the benefits and principles of forest restoration. NEWFC board members Greg Frohn, Kurtis Vaagen, and Tiana Luke will be presenting. Register now by filling out the form below. You will receive an email prior to the event with the Zoom link. Attendees will receive complimentary swag including stickers, coasters, and a stainless mug. Please include your address to receive swag in the mail.